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NFC33-209 Standard Low Voltage ABC Aerial Bundled Cable

Aerial Bundle Cable (ABC Cable) is a very innovative concept for overhead power distribution as compared to the conventional bare conductor overhead distribution system. It provides higher level safety and reliability, lower power losses and ultimate system economy by reducing installation, maintenance and operative cost.


    The rated AC voltage of ABC power cables with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation for overhead lines is Uo/U 0.6/1 KV, and the maximum voltage according to land in direct power networks is 0.9 KV.

    Aerial Bundled Cable(overhead cables)is applied for elelctric power distribution in low voltage metropolitan,suburban and rural networks,for public lighting and house connections.Laid on pillars and house fronts. 



    NF C33-209 Insulated or shielded cables for power systems. Bundle assembled cores for overhead systems of rated voltage 0,6/1 kv


    Operating temperature 80оС
    Short-circuit temperature 130оС
    Nominal voltage АС Uo/U 0.6/1 kV
    Highest system voltage AC, not more than 1.2 kV


    The NF C 11-201 standard´s procedures determine the installation procedures for low voltage overhead lines.

    Not suitable for direct burial, even in conduits.


    Phase ConductorClass 2 Circular compacted stranded Aluminum Conductor

    Neutral ConductorClass 2 Circular compacted stranded Aluminum Conductor

    InsulationXLPE (Cross-linked polyethylene) UV Resistant

    Core IdentificationPhases by longitudinal ribs (I, II, III)Neutral core by longitudinal ribs (≤ 50 mm2 min.12 ribs; ≥ 50 mm2 min.16 ribs)


    Data Sheet

    Number of Cores x Nominal Cross Section Overal Diameter Weight Maximum Conductor Resistance Minimum Breaking Load Current Rating
    No.x mm^2 mm Kg/Km Ω/Km KN A
    2x10 RM 12.8 93 3.08 1.5 38
    4x10 RM 15.4 183 3.08 1.5 38
    2x16 RM 14.8 129 1.91 2.3 72
    2x16 RN + 2x1.5 RE 14.8 176 1.910 / 12.100 2.3 72
    4x16 RM 17.8 257 1.91 2.3 72
    4x16 RN + 2x1.5 RE 17.8 304 1.910 / 12.100 2.3 72
    2x25 RM 18 202 1.2 3.8 107
    2x25 RM + 2x1.5 RE 18 249 1.200 / 12.100 3.8 107
    4x25 RM 21.7 404 1.2 3.8 107
    4x25 RM + 2x1.5 RE 21.7 451 1.200 / 12.100 3.8 107
    2x35 RM 20.8 269 0.868 5.2 132
    2x35 RM + 2x1.5 RE 20.8 316 0.868 / 12.100 5.2 132
    4x35 RM 25.1 539 0.868 5.2 132
    4x35 RM + 2x1.5 RE 25.1 586 0.868 / 12.100 5.2 132
    2x50 RM 23.4 352 0.641 7.6 165
    2x50 RM + 2x1.5 RE 23.4 399 0.641 / 12.100 7.6 165
    1x54.6 RM + 3x25 RM 21.7 507 0.630 / 1.200 3.8 107
    1x54.6 RM + 3x25 RM + 1x16 RM 24.3 573 0.630 / 1.200 / 1.910 3.8/2.3 107/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x25 RM + 2x16 RM 29.7 639 0.630 / 1.200 / 1.910 3.8/2.3 107/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x25 RM + 3x16 RM 31.1 705 0.630 / 1.200 / 1.910 3.8/2.3 107/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x35 RM 25.1 615 0.630 / 0.868 5.2 132
    1x54.6 RM + 3x35 RM + 1x16 RM 28.1 680 0.630 / 0.868 / 1.910 5.2/2.3 132/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x35 RM + 2x16 RM 34.3 748 0.630 / 0.868 / 1.910 5.2/2.3 132/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x35 RM + 3x16 RM 35.9 814 0.630 / 0.868 / 1.910 5.2/2.3 132/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x35 RM + 1x25 RM 28.1 714 0.630 / 0.868 / 1.200 5.2/3.8 132/107
    1x54.6 RM + 3x50 RM 28.2 741 0.630 / 0.641 7.6 165
    1x54.6 RM + 3x50 RM + 1x16 RM 31.6 806 0.630 / 0.641 / 1.910 7.6/2.3 165/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x50 RM + 2x16 RM 38.6 875 0.630 / 0.641 / 1.910 7.6/2.3 165/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x50 RM + 3x16 RM 40.4 940 0.630 / 0.641 / 1.910 7.6/2.3 165/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x50 RM + 1x25 RM 31.6 841 0.630 / 0.641 / 1.200 7.6/3.8 165/107
    1x54.6 RM + 3x70 RM 33 950 0.630 / 0.443 10.2 205
    1x54.6 RM + 3x70 RM + 1x16 RM 37 1014 0.630 / 0.443 / 1.910 10.2/2.3 205/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x70 RM + 2x16 RM 45.2 1083 0.630 / 0.443 / 1.910 10.2/2.3 205/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x70 RM + 3x16 RM 47.3 1148 0.630 / 0.443 / 1.910 10.2/2.3 205/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x70 RM + 1x25 RM 37 1048 0.630 / 0.443 / 1.200 10.2/3.8 205/107
    1x54.6 RM + 3x70 RM + 2x25 RM 45.2 1150 0.630 / 0.443 / 1.200 10.2/3.8 205/107
    1x54.6 RM + 3x70 RM + 3x25 RM 47.3 1250 0.630 / 0.443 / 1.200 10.2/3.8 205/107
    1x54.6 RM + 3x95 RM 37.4 1176 0.630 / 0.320 13.5 240
    1x54.6 RM + 3x95 RM + 1x16 RM 41.9 1243 0.630 / 0.320 / 1.910 13.5/2.3 240/72