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Malaysia Eases Submarine Cable Laying and Maintenance Controls


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The Malaysian government has announced the relaxation of controls on foreign vessels laying and repairing submarine cables in Malaysian waters, in line with the authorities' efforts to promote the development of digital technology.

The Minister of Transport, Mr Rudd, issued a statement saying that he had reinstated a waiver under the powers vested in the Minister of Transport under the Malaysian Shipping Ordinance 1952 to allow all foreign vessels involved in the submarine cable restoration work to enter Malaysian waters without being subject to the Coastal Trade Policy.

Rudd noted that this was one of the authorities' efforts to promote investment in Malaysia's net technology infrastructure to accelerate the development of the country's digital technology sector. He said, "Since 2020, Malaysian and international technology companies have been calling on the government to adopt a more progressive regulatory framework to facilitate investment in the technology sector. As such, the Unity Government is committed to accelerating the development of digital infrastructure in Malaysia."