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ACSR Aluminum Conductor Steel reinforced Cables DIN 48204 Standard

Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR) is concentrically stranded conductor with one or more layers of hard drawn 1350-H19 aluminium wire on galvanized steel wire core.


    ACSR – Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced conductors are used as bare overhead transmission conductor and as primary and secondary distribution conductor and messenger support. ACSR offers optimal strength for line design. Variable steel core stranding enables desired strength to be achieved without sacrificing ampacity.


    Aluminum alloy 1350-H119 wires, concentrically stranded around a steel core available with Class A, B or C galvanizing; aluminum coated (AZ); or aluminum-clad steel core (AL). Additional corrosion protection is available through the application of grease to the core or infusion of the complete cable with grease.

    1 up to 3 Layers Aluminum wires stranded, 6 to 72 Aluminum wires.

    1 up to 3 Layers Steel Wires as Core, 1 to 18 Steel Wires.

    Al/St 6/1, 14/7, 12/7, 26/7, 14/9, 30/7, 24/7, 54/7, 48/7, 45/7, 54/18, 72/7.

    Overall Diameter from 5.4mm to 43.0 mm.


    Electrical Properties

    Density at 20°C Aluminium: 2.703 kg/dm
    Galvanized Steel 7.80 kg/dm
    Temperature Coefficient at 20°C Aluminium: 0.00403 (°C)
    Resistivity at 20°C Aluminium: Should not exceed 0.028264
    Linear Expansivity Aluminium: 23 x10 (°C)
    Galvanized Steel 11.5 x10 (1/°C)


    BS EN 50182, IEC 61089, ASTM B 232/B 232M, AS/NZS 3607, GB/T 1179, BS 215-2, DIN 48204, CSA C 61089, GOST 839, JIS 3110, etc.

    Packing material

    Wooden drum, steel-wooden drum, steel drum.


    DIN 48204 Specifications for steel reinforced aluminium stranded conductors.


    ACSR Aluminum Conductor Steel reinforced Cables DIN 48204 Standard Parameters

    Nominal Sectional Area Sectional Area Stranding Overall Diameter Weight Breakign Load Electrical Resistance at 20°C Current Rating*
    AL Steel AL Steel Total AL Steel
    mm² mm² mm² mm² mm² No./mm No./mm mm Kg/Km KN Ω/KM A
    16 2.5 15.27 2.54 17.8 6/1.80 1/1.80 5.4 62 5.81 1.8793 83
    25 4 23.86 3.98 27.8 6/2.25 1/2.25 6.8 97 9.02 1.2028 109
    35 6 34.35 5.73 40.1 6/2.70 1/2.70 8.1 140 12.7 0.8353 136
    44 32 43.98 31.67 75.7 14/2.00 7/2.40 11.2 373 45.46 0.6573 166
    50 8 48.25 8.04 56.3 6/3.20 1/3.20 9.6 196 17.18 0.5946 168
    50 30 51.17 29.85 81 12/2.33 7/2.33 11.7 378 44.28 0.5644 181
    70 12 69.89 11.4 81.3 26/1.85 7/1.44 11.7 284 26.31 0.413 211
    95 15 94.39 15.33 109.7 26/2.15 7/1.67 13.6 383 35.17 0.3058 254
    95 55 96.51 56.3 152.8 12/3.20 7/3.20 16 714 80.2 0.2992 267
    105* 75 105.67 75.55 181.2 14/3.10 19/2.25 17.5 899 106.69 0.2736 284
    120 20 121.57 19.85 141.4 26/2.44 7/1.90 15.5 494 44.94 0.2374 297
    120 70 122.15 71.25 193.4 12/3.60 7/3.60 18 904 98.16 0.2364 308
    125 30 127.92 29.85 157.8 30/2.33 7/2.33 16.3 590 57.86 0.2259 308
    150 25 148.86 24.25 173.1 26/2.70 7/2.10 17.1 604 54.37 0.1939 336
    170 40 171.77 40.08 211.9 30/2.70 7/2.70 18.9 794 77.01 0.1682 369
    185 30 183.78 29.85 213.6 26/3.00 7/2.33 19 744 66.28 0.1571 382
    210 35 209.1 34.09 243.2 26/3.20 7/2.49 20.3 848 74.94 0.138 414
    210 50 212.06 49.48 261.5 30/3.00 7/3.00 21 979 92.25 0.1363 420
    230 30 230.91 29.85 260.8 24/3.50 7/2.33 21 874 73.09 0.1249 438
    240 40 243.05 39.49 282.5 26/3.45 7/2.68 21.8 985 86.46 0.1188 453
    265 35 263.66 34.09 297.8 24/3.74 7/2.49 22.4 998 82.94 0.1094 475
    300 50 304.26 49.48 353.7 26/3.86 7/3.00 24.5 1233 105.09 0.0949 520
    305 40 304.62 39.49 344.1 54/2.68 7/2.68 24.1 1155 99.3 0.0949 518
    340 30 339.29 29.85 369.1 48/3.00 7/2.33 25 1174 92.56 0.0851 551
    380 50 381.7 49.48 431.2 54/3.00 7/3.00 27 1448 120.91 0.0757 593
    385 35 386.04 34.09 420.1 48/3.20 7/2.49 26.7 1336 104.31 0.0748 595
    435 55 434.29 56.3 490.6 54/3.20 7/3.20 28.8 1647 136.27 0.0666 641
    450 40 448.71 39.49 488.2 48/3.45 7/2.68 28.7 1553 120.19 0.0644 651
    490 65 490.28 63.55 553.8 54/3.40 7/3.40 30.6 1860 152.85 0.059 689
    550 70 549.65 71.25 620.9 54/3.60 7/3.60 32.4 2085 167.42 0.0526 737
    560 50 561.7 49.48 611.2 48/3.86 7/3.00 32.2 1943 146.28 0.0514 744
    680* 85 678.58 85.95 764.5 54/4.00 19/2.40 36 2564 209.99 0.0426 834

    The items marked with * are not in our current product range and the details are for information only.

    Note: The values of current rating mentioned in above Table are based on wind velocity of 0.6 metre/second, solar heat radiation of 1200 watt/metre2, ambient temperature of 50°C & conductor temperature of 80°C.