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ACSR Aluminum Conductor Steel reinforced Cables ASTM B 232B 232M Standard

Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR) is concentrically stranded conductor with one or more layers of hard drawn 1350-H19 aluminium wire on galvanized steel wire core. The core can be single wire or stranded depending on the size. Steel core wire is available in Class A , B or Class C galvanization for corrosion protection.


    Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced conductors: the favorable strength / weight ratio, achieved by the lightweight, strong conductivity of aluminum coupled with the high tensile strength of steel, makes ACSR conductors a preferred choice for overhead power transmission and distribution projects.


    ACSR conductors are formed by several wires of aluminium and galvanized steel, stranded in concentric layers. The wire(s) which form the core, are made of galvanized steel and the external layer or layers, are of aluminium. Galvanized steel core consist normally of 1, 7 or 19 wires.


    Electrical Properties

    Density at 20°C Aluminium: 2.703 kg/dm
    Galvanized Steel 7.80 kg/dm
    Temperature Coefficient at 20°C Aluminium: 0.00403 (°C)
    Resistivity at 20°C Aluminium: Should not exceed 0.028264
    Linear Expansivity Aluminium: 23 x10 (°C)
    Galvanized Steel 11.5 x10 (1/°C)


    BS EN 50182, IEC 61089, ASTM B 232/B 232M, AS/NZS 3607, GB/T 1179, BS 215-2, DIN 48204, CSA C 61089, GOST 839, JIS 3110,etc.

    Packing material

    Wooden drum, steel-wooden drum, steel drum.


    ASTM B-230 Aluminum Wire, 1350-H19 for Electrical PurposesASTM B-231 Aluminum Conductors, Concentric-Lay-StrandedASTM B-232 Aluminum Conductors, Concentric-Lay-Stranded, Coated Steel Reinforced (ACSR)ASTM B-502 Aluminum-Coated Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR/AW)ASTM B-498 Zinc-Coated Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR)ASTM B-500 Zinc Coated and Aluminum Coated Stranded Steel Core for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR)


    ACSR Aluminum Conductor Steel reinforced Cables ASTM B 232B 232M Standard Parameters

    Code Stranding Stranding Overall Diameter Weight Breakign Load Electrical Resistance at 20°C Current Rating*
    AL Steel AL Steel Total
    mm² mm² No./mm No./mm mm² mm Kg/Km KN Ω/Km A
    Turkey 13.3 2.22 6/1.68 1/1.68 5.04 15.52 53.6 4.98 2.1499 76
    Swan 21.18 3.53 6/2.12 1/2.12 6.36 24.71 85.3 7.83 1.3501 101
    Swanate 21.12 5.35 7/1.96 1/2.61 6.53 26.47 99.6 9.79 1.3539 102
    Sparrow 33.59 5.6 6/2.67 1/2.67 8.01 39.19 135.7 11.92 0.8512 135
    Sparate 33.54 8.55 7/2.47 1/3.30 8.24 42.09 158.7 15.08 0.8525 135
    Robin 42.41 7.07 6/3.00 1/3.00 9 49.48 171.1 14.86 0.6742 156
    Raven 53.52 8.92 6/3.37 1/3.37 10.11 62.44 216.1 18.33 0.5343 180
    Quail 67.33 11.22 6/3.78 1/3.78 11.34 78.55 272 22.46 0.4247 207
    Pigeon 85.12 14.19 6/4.25 1/4.25 12.75 99.31 343 28.02 0.3359 239
    Penguin 107.22 17.87 6/4.77 1/4.77 14.31 125.09 432.7 35.36 0.2667 275
    Waxwing 134.98 7.5 18/3.09 1/3.09 15.45 142.48 430.2 29.8 0.2129 313
    Partridge 134.87 21.99 26/2.57 7/2.00 16.28 156.86 545.9 47.15 0.2141 316
    Ostrich 152.19 24.71 26/2.73 7/2.12 17.28 176.9 613.4 53.38 0.1897 341
    Merlin 170.22 9.46 18/3.47 1/3.47 17.35 179.68 542.8 37.36 0.1688 361
    Linnet 170.55 27.83 26/2.89 7/2.25 18.31 198.38 687.5 59.16 0.1693 365
    Oriole 170.5 39.78 30/2.69 7/2.69 18.83 210.28 783.3 72.06 0.1698 367
    Chickadee 200.93 11.16 18/3.77 1/3.77 18.85 212.09 641.3 43.15 0.143 400
    Brant 201.56 26.13 24/3.27 7/2.18 19.62 227.69 761 61.83 0.1433 403
    Ibis 201.34 32.73 26/3.14 7/2.44 19.88 234.07 812.4 68.05 0.1434 404
    Lark 200.9 46.88 30/2.92 7/2.92 20.44 247.78 925.2 84.07 0.1441 406
    Pelican 242.31 13.46 18/4.14 1/4.14 20.7 255.77 769.7 51.15 0.1186 448
    Flicker 241.58 31.4 24/3.58 7/2.39 21.49 272.98 913.5 72.06 0.1195 450
    Hawk 241.65 39.19 26/3.44 7/2.67 21.77 280.84 975.1 81.84 0.1195 451
    Hen 241.27 56.3 30/3.20 7/3.20 22.4 297.57 1110.6 98.3 0.12 453
    Osprey 282.47 15.69 18/4.47 1/4.47 22.35 298.16 897.7 59.6 0.1017 492
    Parakeet 282.31 36.6 24/3.87 7/2.58 23.22 318.91 1065.6 83.18 0.1023 495
    Dove 282.59 45.92 26/3.72 7/2.89 23.55 328.51 1138.6 94.3 0.1022 497
    Eagle 282.07 65.82 30/3.46 7/3.46 24.22 347.89 1295.6 114.76 0.1026 499
    Peacock 306.13 39.78 24/4.03 7/2.69 24.19 345.91 1158.9 90.74 0.0943 520
    Squab 305.83 49.81 26/3.87 7/3.01 24.51 355.64 1237 101.41 0.0944 521
    Wood Duck 307.06 71.65 30/3.61 7/3.61 25.27 378.71 1408.4 121.43 0.0943 525
    Teal* 307.06 69.62 30/3.61 19/2.16 25.24 376.68 1396.6 124.54 0.0943 525
    Kingbird 323.01 17.95 18/4.78 1/4.78 23.9 340.96 1026.6 68.05 0.089 533
    Swift 323.02 8.97 36/3.38 1 /3.38 23.66 331.99 956.5 60.05 0.089 532
    Rook 323.07 41.88 24/4.14 7/2.76 24.84 364.95 1217.5 95.19 0.0894 537
    Grosbeak 321.84 52.49 26/3.97 7/3.09 25.15 374.33 1300.8 104.97 0.0897 537
    Scoter 322.56 75.26 30/3.70 7/3.70 25.9 397.82 1480.7 127.66 0.0897 541
    Egret* 322.56 73.54 30/3.70 19/2.22 25.9 396.1 1469 130.77 0.0897 541
    Flamingo 337.27 43.72 24/4.23 7/2.82 25.38 380.99 1276.6 99.64 0.0856 551
    Gannet 338.26 54.9 26/4.07 7/3.16 25.76 393.16 1363.3 110.31 0.0854 553
    Stilt 363.27 46.88 24/4.39 7/2.92 26.32 410.15 1370.4 107.2 0.0795 576
    Starling 361.93 59.15 26/4.21 7/3.28 26.68 421.08 1463.7 118.32 0.0798 577
    Redwing* 362.06 82.41 30/3.92 19/2.35 27.43 444.47 1650.6 143.23 0.0799 580
    Coot 401.86 11.16 36/3.77 1/3.77 26.39 413.02 1195.8 73.39 0.0715 607
    Tern 403.77 27.83 45/3.38 7/2.25 27.03 431.6 1331.8 94.3 0.0715 610
    Condor 402.33 52.15 54/3.08 7/3.08 27.72 454.48 1520.7 118.32 0.0718 612
    Cuckoo 402.33 52.15 24/4.62 7/3.08 27.72 454.48 1522.2 117.43 0.0718 612
    Drake 402.56 65.44 26/4.44 7/3.45 28.11 468 1626.4 131.66 0.0717 615
    Mallard* 403.84 91.78 26/4.44 7/3.45 28.96 495.62 1836 159.24 0.0717 619
    Ruddy 455.5 31.67 45/3.59 7/2.40 28.74 487.17 1507.3 104.53 0.0634 656
    Canary 456.28 59.15 54/3.28 7/3.28 29.52 515.43 1723.1 134.33 0.0633 660
    Catbird 484.61 13.46 36/4.14 1/4.14 28.98 498.07 1434.4 86.74 0.0593 679
    Rail 483.84 33.54 45/3.70 7/2.47 29.61 517.38 1598.1 110.76 0.0597 680
    Cardinal 484.53 62.81 54/3.38 7/3.38 30.42 547.34 1825.9 142.34 0.0596 685
    Cardinal 484.53 62.81 54/3.38 7/3.38 30.42 547.34 1825.9 142.34 0.0596 685
    Tanager 522.79 14.52 36/4.30 1/4.30 30.1 537.31 1553.5 93.85 0.055 710
    Orotlan 523.87 36.31 45/3.85 7/2.57 30.81 560.18 1730.5 118.32 0.0551 713
    Curlew 522.51 67.73 54/3.51 7/3.51 31.59 590.24 1977.6 153.9 0.0553 716
    Bluejay 565.49 38.9 45/4.00 7/2.66 31.98 604.39 1866 127.66 0.0511 745
    Finch* 565.03 71.57 54/3.65 19/2.19 32.85 636.6 2127.8 164.58 0.0514 748
    Bunting 605.76 41.88 45/4.14 7/2.76 33.12 647.64 1996.9 136.55 0.0477 776
    Grackle* 602.79 76.89 54/3.77 19/2.27 33.97 679.68 2278.1 176.59 0.0481 777
    Skylark 646.02 17.95 36/4.78 1/4.78 33.46 663.97 1913.6 115.65 0.0445 804
    Bittern 644.4 44.66 45/4.27 7/2.85 34.17 689.06 2130.8 145.89 0.0448 805
    Pheasant* 645.08 81.71 54/3.90 19/2.34 35.1 726.79 2431.4 183.26 0.045 808
    Dipper 684.24 47.2 45/4.40 7/2.93 35.19 731.44 2263.2 154.79 0.0422 834
    Martin* 685.39 86.67 54/4.02 19/2.41 36.17 772.06 2581.7 194.82 0.0423 838
    Bobolink 725.27 50.14 45/4.53 7/3.02 36.24 775.41 2397.2 164.13 0.0398 862
    Plover* 726.92 91.78 54/4.14 19/2.48 37.24 818.7 2734.9 206.39 0.0399 866
    Nuthatch 764.2 52.83 45/4.65 7/3.10 37.2 817.03 2529.6 171.25 0.0378 888
    Parrot* 766.06 97.03 54/4.25 19/2.55 38.25 863.09 2883.7 217.51 0.0379 892
    Lapwing 807.53 55.6 45/4.78 7/3.18 38.22 863.13 2663.5 180.14 0.0358 916
    Falcon* 806.23 102.43 54/4.36 19/2.62 39.26 908.66 3038.5 229.52 0.036 919
    Chukar* 903.18 73.54 84/3.70 19/2.22 40.7 976.72 3083.1 217.51 0.0321 976
    Bluebird* 1092.84 88.84 84/4.07 19/2.44 44.76 1181.68 3731.9 256.65 0.0266 1083
    Kiwi* 1099.76 47.52 72/4.41 7/2.94 44.1 1147.28 3423.9 215.28 0.0264 1083
    Thrasher* 1171.42 63.94 76/4.43 19/2.07 45.79 1235.36 3754.2 243.75 0.0248 1122
    Grouse** 40.54 14.12 8/2.54 1/4.24 9.32 54.66 221.4 21.75 0.7089 153
    Petrel** 51.61 30.1 12/2.34 7/2.34 11.7 81.71 377.7 42.08 0.5595 181
    Minorca** 56.11 32.73 12/2.44 7/2.44 12.2 88.84 411.1 45.81 0.5146 191
    Leghorn** 68.2 39.78 12/2.69 7/2.69 13.45 107.98 499.2 55.16 0.4234 215
    Guinea** 80.36 46.88 12/2.92 7/2.92 14.6 127.24 589.7 64.94 0.3593 238
    Dotterel** 89.41 52.15 12/3.08 7/3.08 15.4 141.56 656.1 70.28 0.323 254
    Dorking** 96.51 56.3 12/3.20 7/3.20 16 152.81 707.8 75.62 0.2992 267
    Cochin** 107.04 62.44 12/3.37 7/3.37 16.85 169.48 783.9 84.07 0.2698 284
    Brahma* 102.79 91.78 12/3.37 7/3.37 18.12 194.57 1003.8 114.76 0.2809 283

    The items, marked with * are not in our current product range and the details are for information only.

    The items, marked with * are ACSR Cables with high strength stranding.

    Note: The values of current rating mentioned in above Table are based on wind velocity of 0.6 metre/second, solar heat radiation of 1200 watt/metre2, ambient temperature of 50° C & conductor temperature of 80° C.